现代简约 | 大学学生中心

时间:2019-11-29  点击:




  加拿大约克大学(York University)是全加拿大综合规模第三大的综合类大学,在校园内创建了第二个学生中心,旨在满足约克庞大而多样化的社区不断变化的需求。该项目是2013年全民公投而得的结果,学生群体投票支持第二座专门用于学生空间的建筑。这次公投获得了加拿大高等教育机构历史上最高的投票率,大约90%的学生投了赞成票。

  York University, Canada’s third-largest university, created a second student center on campus, designed to respond to the changing needs of York’s large and diverse community. The project is the result of a 2013 referendum in which the student body voted in favor of a second building devoted solely to student space. The referendum secured the highest voter turnout in the history of Canadian post-secondary institutions, with approximately 90% of students voting in favor.






  Conceived as a “living room” for student life and designed in complete collaboration with York’s diverse student body, the building is remarkably inclusive for students of all faith, race and creed. It stands as a model for other institutions as it reduces stigma to help students connect and thrive. Just some of the building’s dynamic features include: The top floor offers a large multi-faith prayer space where students of all religions are welcome to hold service and pray. The space is used regularly by all faiths without conflict and has even served as a recruitment tool for students of faith.





  A food pantry in the lower level of the building serves students facing food insecurity. A wellness clinic in the building is open to all students who may need someone to talk to, self-harm reduction tools and training, quiet time, mental health counseling recommendations and more. Moreover, feminine hygiene products are available for free in all of the centre’s bathrooms. A bustling club space connects students from all different student clubs.




  在最近的一次访问中,我们采访过的包括:Hallyu Dongari俱乐部 (对韩国文化感兴趣的学生);中东学生组织,拉丁美洲俱乐部和许多其他组织。该建筑是学生活动的中心,每年举办电影之夜,社交活动和多元文化周,及举办国际舞蹈与美食比赛。一楼有舞蹈室。每天在不同信仰的祈祷空间中练习不同的国际舞蹈都是很普遍的。根植于安全设计原则,拥抱自然光线,最大化视线及更多,没有一个空间会让人感到不安全。

  Just a few we spoke with on a recent visit include: Hallyu Dongari (students interested in Korean culture); Middle Eastern Student Organizations, the Latin American club and numerous others. The building is a hub for student activity, hosting movie nights, socials and Multicultural Week which features international dance and food competitions annually. There are dance studios on the ground floor. It is not uncommon to see different international dances being practiced steps from the multi faith prayer space on any given day. Rooted in safety design principles that embrace natural light, maximized sight lines and more, there is not a single space where one should feel unsafe in the building.




  Located at the north end of a significant campus green, the student center’s central location makes it easily accessible to the 50,000 students who attend classes on campus. The design includes an array of sustainable and user-led initiatives, including bicycle parking, showers, green roofs, high-performance glazing/curtain wall, gender-neutral washrooms, and extensive use of natural lighting to promote principles of community safety, accessibility and environmental sustainability. A primarily transparent building facade acts as a design response to the student body’s desire to be open and welcoming to all.




  建筑师:上海坤龙建筑设计 CannonDesign

  地点:加拿大 多伦多




本文标签: 少儿舞蹈培训 手语舞蹈视频

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