
时间:2019-12-03  点击:

  【 留学英国 】

  Study Abroad - UK



  This year, 100% of BE Cambridge applicants have received invitations to attend interviews!


  By the middle of November, BE students had received a total of 263 UK school offers, of which 47 came from UK prep schools.


  Among all the offers sent by senior boarding schools, the ratio of the original nine public schools, the top 4 all-boys schools and the top 5 all-girls schools was 23%, which was an increase of 3% compared with last year, and TOP 30 boarding schools accounted for 41% (up 2%).


  A total of 134 students applied for British private schools through BE Education and each student recieved 2 offers on average.

  就在本周四,必益学生Peter Wan收到了帝国理工大学发来的offer,更多offer将在接下来的几周纷纷发出。

  This Thursday, BE student Peter Wan just got the offer from Imperial! With many more to come in the next few weeks!


  【 留学美国 】

  Study Abroad - US



  This year, BE students who applied forAmerican Colleges received a total of 108 offers, of which 60 were from TOP 30 universities/colleges in the US, and the TOP 100 National Universities & Liberal Arts College in the US accounted for 94.4%!

  此外,必益还收到了菲利普斯学校安多佛、迪尔菲尔德学院、艾玛威拉德女子中学 、比门特中学等22个美国顶尖初高中的offer。

  In addition, we also received offers from 22 top boarding schools in the US such as Phillips Academy Andover, Deerfield Academy,Emma Willard School and The Bement School.


  Through the efforts of BE professional team, the number of our offers continues to grow steadily!


  Although we've achieved such impressive results, we will continue to act in the best interest of our students and strive for continuous improvement to serve our families better.


  Want to know the application secrets these students get from BE?


  Scan the QR code and you can get free consulting from YiYi assistant!


本文标签: 最近街舞比赛 武汉跳街舞

下一篇:东北有多冷? 看到这些美食, 被冻成这个样子, 不禁
