火神山医院10天落成 2月3日正式接诊

时间:2020-02-15  点击:



  Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital was delivered Sunday in Wuhan. It is dedicated to treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus.武汉火神山医院于2月2日交付,将专门用于治疗新型冠状病毒感染患者。

  A total of 1,400 medical staff from the armed forces are tasked with treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital starting from Monday. The medics consist of 950 people from hospitals affiliated to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Joint Logistic Support Force, and 450 from medical universities of the army, navy and air force of the PLA who were sent to Wuhan earlier.军队抽组1400名医护人员于2月3日起承担武汉火神山新型冠状病毒感染肺炎专科医院医疗救治任务。此次抽组的医疗力量来自全军不同的医疗单位,其中,联勤保障部队所属医院抽组950人,先期抵达的陆军军医大学、海军军医大学、空军军医大学450人纳入统一编组。



  China's state broadcaster has been live-streaming the around-the-clock construction progress, which instantly went viral online. With no narration or background music, the livestream videos provide audiences a real-time bird's-eye view of the construction site.央视对连续施工进度进行的直播在网上走红。该直播没有旁白,也没有背景音乐,而是为观众提供了一个实时俯瞰建筑工地的视角。


  The new facility will ease the shortage of beds in the city resulting from an increasing number of patients infected with the novel coronavirus.新医院将缓解武汉因感染新型冠状病毒患者不断增加而导致的床位短缺问题。



  ——分区严格隔离(different sections are strictly separated)。通过设置清洁区(cleaning section)、半污染区(partially contaminated section)、污染区(contaminated section)及医护人员专用通道和病人专用通道(separate routes for medical staff and patients)的布置方式,严格避免交叉感染(cross infection)。医疗区与生活区同样严格隔离。医护人员进出病区设置包括风淋在内的专用卫生通过设施,最大限度地保护医护人员的健康安全。

  ——病房带上“口罩”(every ward is technically masked)。离地面架空30厘米的每间病房,放置两张病床,均设有独立的卫生间。两扇窗户和通道组成的专用隔离防护窗,用于药品和食品的传递。医院绝大部分房间都是负压房间(most of the rooms in the hospital are under negative pressure),房间内的压力比外面低,如同给病房带上“口罩”,避免病毒随着气流产生交叉感染。

  ——污染集中处理(all contaminated resources go through high-standard disinfection)。医院铺设了5万平方米的防渗膜,覆盖整个院区,确保污染物不会渗透到土壤水体中,同时医院安装了雨水、污水处理系统,经过两次氯气消毒处理,达标后才可排放。所有房间排风均经过消毒杀菌及高效过滤达标后,才高空排放。

  A second special hospital for the treatment of the novel coronavirus — Leishenshan Hospital — is under construction in Wuhan. It is expected to be completed on Wednesday and start receiving patients the following day.另一座新型冠状病毒治疗医院——雷神山医院也正在武汉施工建设,该医院有望在2月5日完工,并于次日开始接诊。


  新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus

  国际关注的突发公共卫生事件Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

  重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应first-level public health emergency response

  人际传播human-to-human transmission

  疫情防控epidemic prevention and control


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


上一篇:平安好医生反弹近3% 大和升其目标价至80元
